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Herb Berries: Elder Berries

Elderberry herb is used for its antioxidant activity, to lower cholesterol, to improve vision, to boost the immune system, to improve heart health and for coughs, colds, flu, bacterial and viral infections and tonsilitis. Bioflavonoids and other proteins in the elderberry juice destroys the ability of cold and flu viruses to infect a cell. Elderberry herb contains organic pigments, tannin, amino acids, carotenoids, flavonoids, sugar, rutin, viburnic acid, vitaman A and B and a large amount of vitamin C. They are also mildly laxative, a diuretic, and diaphoretic. Flavonoids, including quercetin, are believed to account for the therapeutic actions of the elderberry flowers and berries. elderberry anthocyanins enhance immune function by boosting the production of cytokines. These unique proteins act as messengers in the immune system to help regulate immune response, thus helping to defend the body against disease. Further research indicated that anthocyanins found in elderberries possess appreciably more antioxidant capacity than either vitamin E or vitamin C. If you use elderberry magical herbs for rituals and spells, use them for exorcism, protection, healing, prosperity, and sleep based spells and rituals. Elderberry Herb Specifications: 2 oz Package Whole Elderberries
#004000 $3.95

Herb Berries: Hawthorn Berries

Hawthorn berries herb offer the heart circulation, acting upon the heart by either stimulating or depressing its activity depending upon the need. The precise mode of action which the hawthorn berries can do this, results in the dilating of the coronary blood supply and the tendency to slow down or stabilize the contractility of the heart muscle is not yet fully understood, but it is safe to use as a long-term treatment for a weak or failing heart, and has a beneficial effect on cardiac arrhythmias, especially extra systoles and paroxysmal tachycardia. Hawthorn Berries herb is also a useful diuretic. Other clinical observations with hawthorn berries included a reduction in elevated blood levels of pyruvic and lactic acid, normalization of prolonged systole and prevention of ECG changes due to hypoxia. As a tonic for the circulatory system hawthorn berries herb finds its primary use in the treatment of hypertension, atherosclerosis and angina pectoris. It is also applicable to peripheral circulatory conditions, such as intermittent claudication and Raynaud`s disease. The flavonoids in hawthorn berries are vasodilatory, as is the condensed tannin phlobaphene. These dilate the peripheral blood vessels and have a specific action on the coronary circulation. The cyanogenic glycosides are sedative and increase the parasympathetic (vagal) tone of the heart, thus slowing it down. Trimethylamine stimulates the pulse rate slightly, and has a peripheral vasoconstrictor effect. The sedative effects of the hawthorn berry glycosides combine with the vasodilatory effects to lower high blood pressure, but the cardiotonic activity actually helps to raise low blood pressure. Hawthorn berries herb does not contain digitalis-like substances, but is a gentle remedy requiring extended use. It should also be used in the follow-up therapy of myocardial infarction. Both the flowers and the berries are astringent and a decoction of these will help ease sore throats. If you use hawthorn berries herb in rituals and spells, use them for best effect in healing and purification. Hawthorn Berry Herb Specifications: 2 oz Package Whole Berries
#004001 $3.95

Herb Berries: Juniper Berries

Juniper Berries herb is commonly used for those with indigestion problems, and kidney and bladder diseases. Juniper berries are also used for the treatment of the urinary tract, the antibacterial properties in the berry have been found to help to remove wastes and toxins from the body. In addition Juniper berries herb will act as a defense against infections such as bacterial, and yeast. Juniper berries act as an anti-inflammatory agent for those with inflammatory disease. In addition, Juniper berries, assists those with indigestion and stomach cramps as digestive fluids are increased. Juniper berries can help to combat congestion related to colds and asthma as well. When Juniper berry oils are used topically, they are a great treatment for those who suffer from skin conditions such as acne, dandruff, and athlete's foot. For women who suffer every month with painful menstrual problem, Juniper berries may help them find relief. If you use juniper berry herbs for rituals and spells you can use them to attract good healthy energies and love; and protection. Juniper Berries Herb Specifications: 2 oz Package Whole Juniper Berries
#004002 $3.95

Herb Flower: Calendula Petals

Calendula Petals Herb heals wounds as well as internal and external ulcers. calendula petals are an antiseptic and improves blood flow to the affected area. As an antifungal agent calendula magical herbs can be used to treat athlete`s foot ringworm and candida. The tincture applied neat to cold sores encourages healing. Calendula petal cream is good for acne and diaper rash. An infusion is good for digestion and relieves colitis and symptoms of menopause. If you use Calendula Petals Herb for rituals and spells use them for healing, protection, and purification. Calendula Petals Herb Specifications: 2 oz Package
#004003 $4.95

Herb Flower: Hibiscus Flower

Hibiscus Flower herb has numerous health benefits. If you drink herbal hibiscus tea daily it can effectively lower high blood pressure in as fast as one month. Hibiscus flower herb contains antioxidants that may help reduced the build up of fatty deposits in arteries and reduced blood cholesterol levels, and therefore reduce the risk of heart disease. Hisbiscus has a cooling effect in the body. Dieters or persons with kidney problems often take hibiscus herb as a natural diuretic. The natives of southern India uses the Red hibiscus (Hibiscus rosa-sinensis) as hair treatment. The red flower and leaves, extracts of which can be applied on hair to prevent and remedy hair-fall and dandruff on the scalp. The dried hibiscus herb is edible, and it often use in some dishes in Mexico. If you use hibiscus herb in your rituals and spells, you can use them effectively to attract love/lust; divination; and dreams. Hibiscus Flower Herb Specifications: 2 oz Package Comes pre-cut
#004004 $3.95

Herb Flower: Jasmine Flowers

Jasmine herb is excellent for eliminating free radicals and in doing so, it prevents some forms of cancer, which also arrests aging. Jasmine also connects with cholesterol and blocks it, decreases level of cholesterol in blood, as well as prevents bad cholesterol, caused by oxidation. The impact of jasmine herb on circulatory system is even more beneficial, since it is believed to prevent brain strokes, heart attacks, thrombosis and arterial sclerosis. It is good for diabetes prevention and reducing high blood pressure. In addition, jasmine herb fights viruses and bacteria, preventing thus influenza, cavities and food poisoning, including cholera, dysentery, mouth bacteria damaging teeth and piccoli causing gastric ulcers. One of the jasmine herb health benefits is to improve intestine conditions by blocking development and growth of bad bacteria and strengthening good bacteria. Connecting with such substances as human waste, meat, fish and breath, the tea prevents odor. Gargling with jasmine herb extract is also believed to be one of the most effective ways to protect oneself from influenza, as the tea performs anti-viral functions. Apart from such jasmine herb health benefits as prevention of cancer and heart diseases, recent studies show that drinking jasmine tea may fight fat. People who consumed tea with green tea extract during the period of three months lost more fat as compared to those who consumed regular oolong tea. According to researchers, substances found in jasmine tea, known as catechins, trigger weight loss by decreasing body fat and stimulating body to burn calories. When used in rituals and spells, jasmine herb can attract love, prosperity and money; divination; psychic dreams; and is excellent for charging quartz crystals. Just sprinkle some jasmine herb onto your quartz crystal and place it in a velveteen bag for a period of 24 hours. Your quartz crystal will then be re-energized. Jasmine Flowers Herb Specifications: 2 oz Package Comes pre-cut
#004005 $4.95

Herb Flower: Jericho Flowers

The Rose of Jericho is a desert plant. For long periods, these 'roses' live in desert regions, growing and reproducing as any other plant until the environment no longer supports an adequate existance. When this time comes, the jericho flower will retract their roots from the soil and allow the desert winds to carry them across the desert, until they arrive in a place where they can continue to grow and spread. Jericho Flowers bring peace, power and abundance. Jericho rose is a rare magical commodity, sought after for use in voodoo and Cuban Santeria love and money spells and is sought in the Holy Land by pilgrims as a holy relic. The amazing Resurrection Plant is a marvelous example of Nature's Wonders and can serve as a Living Symbol of one's faith and confidence in Natures Power to resurrect and bring life to what seems dead and lifeless. It is said that you will have all the blessings life can bring, if the plant, or a piece of it is kept in the home in a bowl of water. The water needs changed often and is sprinkled about the home to cleanse it of all negativity and bring peace. When carried on a person is said to absorb negative energy. It is used as an amulet to promote a long and healthy life. Completely dried out Jericho flowers will grow if placed in water and left. When it is dry, it folds and turns gray and brittle. Yet place it in water and it recovers its natural green color and unfolds to become a Lovely Living Organism again and it does this over and over again. It will bring peace, power, and riches to your home while chasing away evil and bad luck. Place the jericho flower in a saucer or bowl of water for 3 days or more, until it becomes green and open. The water must be changed often. The rose must be allowed to dry out again completely, after a week maximum. Jericho Flower Magical Herb Specifications: 1 Flower Per Order
#004006 $4.95

Herb Flower: Passion Flower

Passion Flower herb is used as a mild sedative and sleep aid It is believed that Passion Flower has an effect on the nervous system that makes it useful in treating these ailments. The active ingredients in Passion Flower magical herb are unknown, but it is thought that the alkaloids and flavonoids it contains are among the most active of its components. A variety of other substances, including amino acids and sterols, are also said to support the actions of Passion Flower. In addition to being used as a sedative and sleep aid, Passion Flower has been used in the treatment of asthma, circulatory problems and symptoms of menopause. It also has pain-relieving and antispasmodic effects. Passion Flower herb is thought to affect the nervous system in several ways. Interestingly, it can act as both a sedative and a stimulant. In fact, it is sometimes used as a hallucinogen at very high doses, though its primary therapeutic use is as a sedative. If you use passion flower herb in your rituals and spells use it specifically for emotional balance; peace; attract friendship and prosperity; sex magick, love spells, lust spells, and an aid for meditation. Passion Flower Herb Specifications: 2 Oz Package Comes pre-cut
#004007 $4.95

Herb Flower: Yarrow Flower

Yarrow Flower Herb can be used as a tea that helps to strengthen the immune system. When yarrow tea is made, the whole plant is used to make the tea. In addition to yarrow flower strengthening the immune system it has other heath benefits as well. Yarrow flower herb helps to purify the blood, which is assistance to the kidneys, and to reduce fever as well. In addition yarrow tea has been found to help those who experience bouts of depression. Cooled yarrow tea can be of benefit to skin a well. It assists in closing small pours and controlling oil. However, one should take care in using yarrow on their face as it can lead to a sensitivity to the sun over a period of time. Yarrow flower acts as an anti-inflammatory agent for the bowels. In addition those who have problems with high blood pressure may experience the lowering affects of the herb. Some feel that yarrow has fertility qualities, and others use yarrow for problem with their lungs, menstruation, toothaches, ulcers, vision, and varicose veins to name a few. When used in rituals and spells, yarrow flower magical herb is best suited for courage, love, exorcism, and psychic abilities. Yarrow Flower Herb Specifications: 2 oz package Comes pre-cut
#004008 $3.95

Herb Flowers: Lavender Flowers

Lavender Flower herb is most commonly used for anxiety, depression, mental exhaustion, insomnia, scrapes and wounds, digestive problems, headaches, skin problems and women's health problems. In addition to this, lavender herb can be used to treat exhaustion, heat exposure, fevers, aches and pains, over-exertion, jet lag, rashes, sprains, sunburn, sunstroke, bruises and burns. It can also be used as a disinfectant and insect repellant. Lavender is an antiseptic, natural antibiotic, sedative, detoxifier. Lavender flower herb can be used for the following rituals and spells: healing; inner calm peace of mind; freedom from stress; love; money; protection; attract good spirits; and purification. Lavender Flower Herb Specifications: 2 Oz Package Whole lavender flowers
#004009 $5.95

Herb Powder: Brewer's Yeast

Brewers yeast is a rich source of many nutrients, including protein, some B vitamins, phosphorus, and chromium. The protein content of brewer's yeast accounts for slightly more than half of its weight. Brewer's Yeast is also able to help with the following ailments: Diabetes, hypoglycemia, high cholesterol, eczema(when made into a paste), nervousness, fatigue, and constipation. Brewer's Yeast powder can be made into a thick paste if mixed with some water and can be used on skin conditions such as eczema, psoriasis, acne, etc. It also can be used to treat bug bites and other skin irritants. Brewer's Yeast powder can be used in rituals and spells involving purification and healing. Is usually best used when combined with more effective purifying and healing herbs such as Blessed Thistle. Brewer's Yeast Specifications: 2 Oz Package Powder Form
#004010 $6.95

Herb Powder: Cinnamon

Cinnamaldehyde within cinnamon magical powder (also called cinnamic aldehyde) has been well-researched for its effects on blood platelets. Platelets are constituents of blood that are meant to clump together under emergency circumstances (like physical injury) as a way to stop bleeding, but under normal circumstances, they can make blood flow inadequate if they clump together too much. The cinnaldehyde in cinnamon powder helps prevent unwanted clumping of blood platelets. (The way it accomplishes this health-protective act is by inhibiting the release of an inflammatory fatty acid called arachidonic acid from platelet membranes and reducing the formation of an inflammatory messaging molecule called thromboxane A2.) Cinnamon's ability to lower the release of arachidonic acid from cell membranes also puts it in the category of an anti-inflammatory food that can be helpful in lessening inflammation. Cinnamon powder essential oils also qualify it as an anti-microbial food, and cinnamon has been studied for its ability to help stop the growth of bacteria as well as fungi, including the commonly problematic yeast Candida. In laboratory tests, growth of yeasts that were resistant to the commonly used anti-fungal medication fluconazole was often (though not always) stopped by cinnamon extracts. The scent Cinnamon powder may significantly help people with type 2 diabetes improve their ability to respond to insulin, thus normalizing their blood sugar levels. Not only does consuming cinnamon powder improve the bodys ability to utilize blood sugar, but just smelling the wonderful odor of this sweet spice boosts brain activity If you use cinnamon powder in your rituals and spells use it for personal protection, Healing, Passion, Female sexual stimulant, Meditation, Illumination. Burn to stimulate clairvoyance, and raise spiritual vibrations. Cinnamon Powder Specifications: 2 Oz Package Fine Powder
#004011 $3.95

Herb Powder: Eyebright

Eyebright powder has been used as a folk medicine to treat eye inflammations and infections, coughs, and poor memory. Eyebright powder has been used since the middle ages as a tonic and astringent. The constituents of eyebright magical powder include vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin D, vitamin B complex, iron, silicon, iodine, copper, and zinc. Other ingredients of eyebright include flavonoids (rutin and quercetintannins), iridoid glycosides, essential fatty acids, glycoside aucuboside, caffeic and ferulic acids, sterols, choline, and a volatile oil. Eyebright is primarily used to treat eye irritation and inflammation. It is particularly beneficial for sore, itchy eyes which may have a discharge. The flavonoids in eyebright act as anti-inflammatory agents that can help relieve inflamed mucous membranes of the eyes, sinuses, and upper respiratory tract. The flavonoids in eyebright act as anti-inflammatory agents that can help relieve inflamed mucous membranes of the eyes, sinuses, and upper respiratory tract. If you use Eyebright Powder in your rituals and spells use it for psychic and mental based spells and rituals. Eyebright Powder Specifications: 2 Oz Package Comes in a fine powder
#004012 $5.95

Herb Powder: Flea Prevention

This Flea Prevention Powder for pets is a herbal powder you can add to your pet`s food sparingly, like a spice. It changes the animal`s scent to discourage biting insects. You can also use Flea Prevention in rituals and spells involving protection, exorcism, purification, and hex breaking. Flea Prevention Powder Specifications: 2 oz Package Fine Powder
#004013 $5.95

Herb Powder: Garlic

Garlic powder has long been considered a herbal "wonder drug", with a reputation in folklore for preventing everything from the common cold and flu to the Plague. Garlic powder has been used extensively in herbal medicine (phytotherapy, sometimes spelt phitotherapy). Raw garlic is used by some to treat the symptoms of acne and there is some evidence that it can assist in managing high cholesterol levels. It can even be effective as a natural mosquito repellent. In general, a stronger tasting clove of garlic has more sulfur content and hence more medicinal value it's likely to have. Some people have suggested that organically grown garlic tends towards a higher sulfur level and hence greater benefit to health. The sulfur content in garlic powder makes it an excellent herb to use in rituals and spells involving magickal healing; protection; exorcism, dispelling negativity, purification, and to ward of psychic attacks. If you are having a problematic issue with negative forces in your home or dwelling, try smoldering or burning the garlic powder in a cauldron and carry the cauldron as you walk through the house or dwelling and have the smoke enter every room of your home. It is well known that sulfur is a powerful ward against negative entities and creatures that mean to do you harm. These entities normally cannot tolerate sulfur and it is considered poisonous to them. This is where in ancient times it was common for people to hang full necklace gloves of garlic on their front doors and where they slept to prevent such negative creatures(such as vampires) to invade the home. Garlic Powder Specification: 2 Oz Package Comes in a fine powder
#004014 $2.95

Herb Powder: Ginseng

With Ginseng powder, studies have shown that ginseng is able to reduce levels of stress in both men and women. In many clinical studies of the herbs effects, those taking regular ginseng supplements were able to withstand higher levels of emotional and physical stress than those who had never taken the herb. In addition to its traditional role as stress fighter, ginseng magical powder has shown great promise at reducing fatigue, increasing memory and even fighting off colds, flu and other infections. The herb we know as ginseng contains a number of compounds which seem to be unique to this plant. Many of these unique elements seem to have a strong effect on the adrenal glands, which rest on the top of the kidneys. The function of the adrenal glands is to secrete hormones which are used to ward off both physical and emotional stress. Ginseng powder can also be effective as a sexual stimulant, to aid with digestion, and to help boost the mind. If you use ginseng powder for rituals and spells, use it for love spells; beauty; healing; protection, and psychic based spells and rituals. Ginseng Herb Specifications: 2 Oz Package Fine Powder
#004015 $3.95

Herb Powder: Gum Arabic

Gum Arabic Herb Powder can treat sore throat, laryngitis, diarrhea, and urinary tract infections. If you take Gum Arabic and mix it in water it can be used as an herbal bandage for scalds, burns, bug bites, bee and wasp stins, and other skin irritants. Gum Arabic can be used as a powdered incense as well, and is beneficial for purification and protection based rituals and spells. Gum Arabic Herb Powder Specifications: 2 Oz Package Fine powder form
#004016 $5.95

Herb Powder: Kava Kava Root

Kava Kava Root Powder can aid in blood pressure; before then, it was utilized by the Polynesians. The natives used a brew from the kava kava root and leaves said to be as cherished as wine was with the Europeans. Kava has been used to treat anxiety/nervous disorders, migraines, and bladder problems. Today, kava kava root powder is used as a non-addictive way to sooth nerves and relax. If you use kava kava root powder in your rituals and spells, it is a potent sacramental drink; great for potions; induces visions; astral work; and travel protection. Kava Kava Root Powder Specifications: 2 Oz Package Comes as a fine powder
#004017 $4.95

Herb Powder: Red Sandalwood powder

Red Sandalwood powders cure digestive problems, drink water which is stored in red sandalwood tumblers or cups. Consume two such cups of water a day. * An ethanolic extract of the wood powder has been found to be effective in lowering blood sugar levels and hence is useful for diabetics. * It is also found to be useful in lowering blood pressure and curing hypertension. * It reduces nausea and vomiting, cures dysentery. * External application helps in eases inflammations and provides relief in headaches and fevers. * Also useful in menstrual problems like excessive bleeding. Cosmetic benefits Mix red sandalwood powder with some water to make apaste. Using this homemade paste as a face pack imparts a glow to ones face and lightens scars caused by acne. Pure red sandalwood powder is widely used in paste-based face packs, face creams, shampoos and body lotions. When using red sandalwood powder for rituals and spells use them specifically for clairvoyance; healing;protection; purification; spirituality; meditation; sacred rituals; magickal work; and to stimulate sex. Can not export to Canada. Red Sandalwood Powder Specifications: 1 Oz Package Comes in a fine powder
#004018 $3.95

Herb Powder: Slippery Elm Powder

Slippery elm powder acts as a demulcent, emollient, expectorant, and diuretic. Slippery elm neutralizes stomach acids, boosts the adrenal glands, draws out impurities and heals all parts of the body. Mucilage in the inner bark pf slippery elm coats the mouth, esophagus, and gastrointestinal tract with a slick residue. Slippery elm herb soothes the inflammation of ulcers in the stomach and duodenum and provides a protective barrier between the ulcer and damaging stomach acid. Slippery elm magical herb soothes irritation or ulceration of the stomach and intestines and is useful for treating gastrointestinal conditions. It may soothe a sore throat, help to alleviate the pain of colic or stomach ulcers, and relieve inflammatory bowel conditions. It aids digestion and helps cleanse the colon. Slippery elm is also a soothing and nutritive tonic benefiting the adrenal glands, the respiratory system, and the gastrointestinal tract. Slippery elm powder is particularly effective for easing a cough and soothing a sore throat, coating the area and reducing irritation. Topically, elm may be applied to the skin surface to relieve minor injuries such as burns, cold sores, razor burn, scrapes, and sunburn. Slippery elm has been used to treat chest conditions. The herb is very useful to relieve pain during irritable bowel or Crohn's-like attacks. When used in rituals and spells, slippery elm magical powder is best suited to halt gossip and to reverse negative energies back to their sender. Slippery Elm Powder Specifications: 1 oz Package Comes as a fine powder
#004019 $3.95

Herb Powder: Wheat Grass Powder

Wheat Grass Powder Increases hemoglobin production, rebuilds the blood stream, helps prevent tooth decay, and Improves the body`s ability to heal wounds. Wheat grass powder also purifies the blood, creates an unfavorable environment for unfriendly bacteria growth, washes drug deposits from the body, and neutralizes toxins, carsinogens in the body. Wheat Grass powder can help purify the liver, improve blood sugar disorders, keeps hair from graying, improves digestion, removes heavy metals from the body, reduces high blood pressure, and aids in the prevention and curing of cancer. If you use Wheat Grass Powder for your rituals and spells use it specifically for healing and purification purposes. Wheat Grass Powder Specifications: 2 oz package Comes as a fine powder
#004020 $4.95

Herb Root: Devil's Shoestring

Uses of Devil's Shoestring Herb include protection; luck; attracts a raise or new job; gives control over opposite sex; invisibility. Devil's Shoestring is also useful for exorcism and to repel negative forces and demonic presences. This root however is a double edge sword. As beneficial as it may be, it can also be used in magical spells and rituals that involve the darker black arts. Rituals and spells involving devil's shoestring in black magic include possession, demon summoning, and psychic attacks. This herb's benefits will depend on your intentions and uses of it. Devil's Shoestring Herb Specifications: 2 Oz Package Comes with whole roots
#004021 $8.95

Herb Root: Galangal Root

Galangal Root Herb can alleviate pain, being especially good for abdominal pain, vomiting, hiccups and diarrhea. It is also recognized as a powerful dispersing agent with analgesic properties that make it an appropriate and effective intervention for rheumatic pains and other inflammatory disorders. Galangal root is a potent aid to digestion and a quick reliever of pain, especially angina, heart attack, and gall bladder attacks. Galangal root herb also acts as a stimulant and carminative, especially useful in flatulence, dyspepsia, vomiting and stomach sickness of any kind, including sea-sickness. She describes it as toning the tissues and often being useful in fevers Galangal roots inherently warming nature provokes better blood flow through the extremities and imparts a warm, comforting sensation to the stomach when it is distressed Other uses for galangal root include cleansing the system of the body of foreign radicals; colic; take at onset of colds; eases sore throat; stimulates saliva; can act as an aphrodisiac. When using galangal root herb in rituals and spells use it to win at court; money; psychic; hex breaking; and sex magick. Galangal Root Herb Specifications: 2 oz Package Pre-Cut Roots
#004022 $3.95

Herb Root: High John The Conqueror

High John The Conqueror herb is a root that is used primarily for magick and spell use. This root should not be used for any medicinal purposes as it is unclear as to what effects it can have on the body. However, when used in rituals and spells, high john root is extremely effective for strength; confidence; conquer any situation; obtain success; win at gambling; good luck; money; love; health; and protection. The number of uses high john has as a potent magical herb, has caused it to be made into bath oils, bath salts, incense, and other popular products. High John The Conqueror Magical Herb Specifications: 1 Oz Package Comes as whole roots
#004023 $7.95

Herb Root: Licorice Root

Licorice Root herb is used for many ailments including asthma, athlete's foot, baldness, body odour, bursitis, canker sores, chronic fatigue, depression, colds and flu, coughs, dandruff, emphysema, gingivitis and tooth decay, gout, heartburn, HIV, viral infections, fungal infections, ulcers, liver problems, Lyme disease, menopause, psoriasis, shingles, sore throat, tendinitis, tuberculosis, ulcers, yeast infections, prostate enlargement and arthritis. Hundreds of potentially healing substances have been identified in licorice root as well, including compounds called flavonoids and various plant estrogens (phytoestrogens). The herb's key therapeutic compound, glycyrrhizin (which is 50 times sweeter than sugar) exerts numerous beneficial effects on the body, making licorice root magical herb a valuable herb for treating a host of ailments. It seems to prevent the breakdown of adrenal hormones such as cortisol (the body's primary stress-fighting adrenal hormone), making these hormones more available to the body. Licorice has a well-documented reputation for healing ulcers. It can lower stomach acid levels, relieve heartburn and indigestion and acts as a mild laxative. It can also be used for irritation, inflammation and spasm in the digestive tract. Through its beneficial action on the liver, it increases bile flow and lowers cholesterol levels. Licorice herb also appears to enhance immunity by boosting levels of interferon, a key immune system chemical that fights off attacking viruses. It also contains powerful antioxidants as well as certain phytoestrogens that can perform some of the functions of the body's natural estrogens; very helpful during the menopause. Glycyrrhizinic acid also seems to stop the growth of many bacteria and of viruses such as influenza A. In the respiratory system it has a similarly soothing and healing action, reducing irritation and inflammation and has an expectorant effect, useful in irritating coughs, asthma and chest infections. Licorice root has an aspirin-like action and is helpful in relieving fevers and soothing pain such as headaches. Its anti-allergenic effect is very useful for hay fever, allergic rhinitis, conjunctivitis and bronchial asthma. Possibly by its action on the adrenal glands, licorice has the ability to improve resistance to stress. It should be thought of during times of both physical and emotional stress, after surgery or during convalescence, or when feeling tired and run down. Notes: Avoid during Pregnancy and nursing. Avoid if you have high blood pressure. If you use licorice root herb in your rituals and spells, use it specifically for love, lust, and fidelity. Licorice Root Herb Specifications: 2 Oz Package Comes pre-chopped
#004024 $3.95

Herb Root: Low John Root

Low John Root similar to high john, is used more specifically for magical and ritual use rather then medicinal. When used in rituals and spells, low john root is beneficially for assistance in family matters. Hoodoo formulas, win laws favors, and protection. Low John Root Herb Specifications: 1 Oz Package Whole root
#004025 $4.95

Herb Root: Mandrake Root

In witchcraft and occult practices, mandrake root is a very common and potent herb that witches use as an ingredient to various spells, oils, potions, and ceremonial offerings. Mandrake root is said to come in male and female "shapes" where male mandrake roots resemble the shape of a human male and the female root resembling the body of a human female. In particular, the mandrake root is the most powerful herb of love magick, and certainly one of the most deadliest. Ones that resemble a phallus are believed to possess great aphrodisiac qualities and were, at one time, the main ingredient used in Witches' love philtres(potions) despite their highly toxic properties. Mandrake root can also be used in exorcisms as it is believed that demons cannot tolerate mandrake root and it is poisonous to them. It is not uncommon during ancient exorcisms that whilst a priest was under going an exorcism on an individual that he place a tiny piece of mandrake in their mouths under the tongue. The potent mandrake was meant to help drive out the demon essence from within the individual.Extreme caution should always be exercised when using any part of the mandrake in potions, brews and philtres. It is a highly toxic plant, and misuse of it can result in sickness, delirium, or a slow and agonizing death. Mandrake Root Herb can also be used for rituals and spells involving protection, purging negative forces, fertility, increase magical energy, and much more. This herb above all others you can use in your rituals and spells is THE most potent magical herb you can use or find. Mandrake Root Herb Specifications: 1 Oz Package Comes pre-cut DO NOT CONSUME HIGHLY TOXIC
#004026 $3.95

Herb Root: Solomon`s Seal Root

Solomon's Seal Herb is used for dryness of the lung and stomach with such symptoms as dry throat, chronic dry cough, thirst, hunger that cannot be satisfied, and irritability. When applied topically, solomon's seal magical herb is extremely useful in treating open wounds to make them heal faster. Solomon's Seal Herb when used in rituals and spells is best suited for Love potions, love spells, protection, and exorcism. Solomon's Seal Herb Specifications: 1 oz package Comes pre-cut
#004027 $4.95

Herb Root: St John`s Wort

St. John's Wort herb is Best known for use as a mild antidepressant, St. John's wort is also being studied for its possible affects on other mood disorders such as anxiety and obsessive-compulsive disorder. St. John's wort herbal supplements are among the leading medicines used in Germany to relieve the symptoms of mild to moderate depression. People taking St. John's wort herb show an improvement in mood and ability to carry out their daily lives. Symptoms including sadness, hopelessness, worthlessness, exhaustion, and poor sleep also may decrease with the usage of St. John's wort. Used topically, it may have antiviral and antibacterial effects. The major active ingredients in St. John's wort include hypericin and other dianthrones, flavonoids, xanthones, and hyperforin. For many years researchers believed the antidepressant properties of St. John's wort were a result of its hypericin contnet and the inhibition of the enzyme monoamine oxidase, however, more recent research suggests that its antidepressant actions may be a result of other active constituents, such as hyperforin, and flavonoids. Clinical studies suggest that St. John's wort extracts may exert their antidepressant actions by inhibiting the reuptake of the neurotransmitters serotonin, norepinephrine, and dopamine. This action may be due to hyperforin. St. John's wort's may work as an antidepressant, by making more of hyperforin (a neurotransmitter) available to the brain. If you use St. John's Wort herb in rituals and spells it is best suited for protection; exorcism; courage; battle invincibility; and divination. St. John's Wort Herb Specifications: 2 oz Package Comes pre-cut
#004028 $2.95

Herb Root: Valerian Root

Valerian Root Herb has been shown to help fight insomnia in several cases. Promoting sleep, many people use this supplement to help rest easier at night. Valerian herb is not an addictive substance, and doesnt lead to the usually groggy "Sleep Hangover" that some people feel when they take sleep aids. For this reason, its use is widely accepted. Another of the health benefits of Valerian root would be its ability to put the user in a calm and relaxed state, helping to alleviate the effects of stress and anxiety. Valerian has also been used for such tasks as alleviating headaches, relieving pain, improving menstrual flow and cramps, and also for helping irritable bowel syndrome. When used in rituals and spells, valerian root magical herb is best suited for love; harmony; purification; protection; meditation; sleep; and dreaming. Valerian root can also be used in black magick and other darker spells as well depending on your intentions. Valerian Root Herb Specifications: 2 oz Package Comes pre-cut
#004029 $4.95

Herb Seed: Buckeye's

Buckeye seeds can heal rashes and sores when made into a salve. Making a Buckeye seed salve: Crush buckeye nuts with a kitchen hammer or rolling pin. Cover with water and boil to soften. Drain the water. Cover buckeyes with lard. Bring to a second boil. Allow the mixture to cool. Swab affected areas. Healthier skin appears in a day or two. It is believed if you carry a buckeye in a bag and in your pocket that it can help with arthritis and rheumatism. Buckeye seeds are good additions with rituals and spells involving divination; good luck; attracting money and wealth. Buckeye Seed Specifications: 2 oz Package DO NOT CONSUME INTERNALLY
#004030 $5.95

Herb Seed: Fennel Seed

Uses of Fennel Seed include flavoring agent; aids digestion and weight loss; relieves gas; If you use Fennel Seed for your rituals and spells use it for strength, vitality, sexual virility; protection; prevents curses, possession and negativity purging. Fennel Seed Specifications: 2 Oz Package Whole Fennel Seeds
#004031 $4.95

Herb Seed: Flax Seeds

The benefits of flax seeds herb are numerous and include constipation relief, clearing up acne, smooth skin, they assist in building muscle and burning fat, they're good for heart health and they might even help with depression and arthritis. When it comes to constipation, the flax seed has been proven to be very effective. Flax seeds are astringent and have a laxative action. They are good for mild to moderate symptoms of constipation. It's not as harsh on the system as some of the fiber alternatives, yet it does act quickly. You can even grind the seeds in a coffee grinder to make into a powder. Flax seeds herb are rich in Omega 3 that works to fight against the main cholesterol deposits that cause clotting of the blood. These clots then block blood vessels causing heart attacks or strokes if they reach the brain. The only other source of omega 3 fatty acids that is richer than flax seeds is fish such as salmon and tuna. Flax seeds can also help to clear acne. It's fatty acids that help control the production of excess androgens (hormones that peak during the teen-age years). The androgens cause excess sebum oil to clog hair follicles and can contribute to creating more acne. Because of this androgen control, flax seeds may also help with building muscle and burning fat and reducing water bloating (and possibly hair loss) that is sometimes caused through excess androgens. The Omega-3 in flax seeds may also be a good nutrient for the brain and concentration. Omega-3 fats seem to work by making the thin fatty membranes that surround the nerve cells in the brain more flexible. This allows more neurotransmitters to be successfully transmitted between nerve cells, increasing our ability to think faster and concentrate better. Omega-3 has also been shown to have a number of other effects that control harmful inflammation (arthritis) and even possibly prevent depression. When used in rituals and spells, flax seed herbs are best suited for money, protection, healing, psychic, and beauty. Flax Seeds Herb Specifications: 2 Oz Package Whole Flax Seeds
#004032 $3.95

Herb Seed: Milkthistle Seed

Milk thistle herb is native to the Mediterranean and grows wild throughout Europe, North America and Australia. Milk Thistle has been used in Europe as a remedy for liver problems for thousands of years. Its use was recorded in the first century (AD 23-79), noting that the plant was excellent for protecting the liver. Early Christian tradition dedicated milk thistle to Mary, calling it Marian thistle. In the 19th century the Eclectics used the herb for varicose veins, menstrual difficulty, and congestion in the liver, spleen and kidneys. Milk thistle has also been taken to increase breast-milk production, stimulate the secretion of bile, and as a treatment for depression. Milk thistle herb nutritionally supports the liver`s ability to maintain normal liver function. It has shown positive effects in treating nearly every known form of liver disease, including cirrhosis, hepatitis, necroses, and liver damage due to drug and alcohol abuse. Milk thistle herb works due to its ability to inhibit the factors responsible for liver damage, coupled with the fact it stimulates production of new liver cells to replace old damaged ones. Milk thistle has been proven to protect the liver from damage. The detrimental effects of environmental toxins, alcohol, drugs and chemotherapy may be countered with this valuable herb. The active chemical component in the milk thistle herb is silybin, which functions as an antioxidant and is one of the most potent liver protective agents known. Clinical trials have proven silybin to be effective in treating chronic liver diseases and in protecting the liver from toxic chemicals. An injection of silybin is a proven antidote for poisoning with the Deathcap mushroom (Amanita phalloides). Silybin is a part of the chemical structure of the flavoligan silymarine. Milk thistle`s hepatoprotective effects may be explained by its function of altering the liver cell membrane structure, blocking the absorption of toxins into the cells. Hepatoprotection by silymarin can also be attributed to its ability to increase the intracellular concentration of glutathione, a substance required for detoxifying reactions in liver cells. Milk thistle is also an antioxidant that is more potent than vitamins C and E. If you use milk thistle herb in your rituals and spells use it specifically for healing, protection, and purification. Milk Thistle Herb Specifications: 2 Oz Package Comes as whole seeds
#004033 $3.95

Herb Seed: Mojo Wish Bean

Carry the mojo wish bean herb for seven days to make a wish come true. Mojo Wish Bean Herb Specifications: 2 Oz Package Whole beans
#004034 $5.95

Herb Seed: Tonka Bean

Tonka Bean herb is a black-skinned aromatic almond-like, single seed from the pod of any tall leguminous tree of the genus Dipteryx in the family Leguminosae (pulse family) of tropical South America. It contains coumarin a fermented substance that has a vanilla-like aroma and is used as a vanilla substitute and in the manufacture of perfumes sachets soaps tobacco and food. The name of the bean also appears as tonqua bean and tonquin bean. Plants producing tonka beans are classified in the division Magnoliophyta class Magnoliopsida order Rosales family Leguminosae. When used in rituals and spell, tonka beans can be used for all forms of good luck be it in finances love health or anything else. They can also help keep your spirits up during difficult times. Sometimes the oil from the tonka plant is used but it`s most commonly the beans. Tonka beans are a common item in Voodoo magick. Tonka Bean Herb Specifications: 1 oz package Comes as whole beans
#004035 $5.95

Herb: Agrimony

Agrimony is such a potent herb because of the tannins within. The medicinal uses of agrimony are extensive. When sipped as a tea, for example, agrimony will help control the loose stools of diarrhea. Once cooled, the tea works as a throat gargle to reduce inflammation and relieve sore throat pain. Agrimony is given to help people accept and come to terms with the darker side of life and their own personalities, so that they can become more rounded human beings. As a mood remedy, Agrimony is said to help enchance mood and soothe the mind from the darker throughts that form. It is said that Agrimony magical herb protects against evil entities, and even poison. It is thought when agrimony magical herb is aged, witches and other magical beings have this herb in both protection, exorcism, and divination however it can also be used in negativity magic and the black arts depending on your intentions. WARNING: All herbs we sell are for ritual / spellcraft use only. They are not sold for any form of medicinal purpose and even though some of the herbs are well known culinary varieties you cannot assume they are of a culinary grade and so should not under any circumstances be ingested in any form or by any means. Agrimony Herb Specifications: 2 Oz package Finely Cut
#004036 $5.95

Herb: Angelica

Angelica herb when used medicinally is an effective treatment for gas, indigestion, and stomach cramps; it may also be used to improve circulation, help treat some bronchial and cardiovascular disorders, and ease menopausal symptoms. Angelica improves circulation and spreads a warm feeling throughout the body; this magical herb's effect on the body has been compared to that of a calcium channel blocker, and it is therefore sometimes used to treat high blood pressure and angina. Angelica also relaxes the windpipe, and may be effective for treating colds, flu, bronchitis, and asthma. Angelica is a beneficial magical herb for your protection and healing spells and rituals. WARNING: All herbs we sell are for ritual / spellcraft use only. They are not sold for any form of medicinal purpose and even though some of the herbs are well known culinary varieties you cannot assume they are of a culinary grade and so should not under any circumstances be ingested in any form or by any means. Angelica Herb Specifications: 2 Oz. Package
#004037 $5.95

Herb: Arnica

Arnica herb contains sesquiterpene lactones, substances that are known to reduce inflammation and decrease pain. Arnica prevents bruising by keeping stimulating the white blood cells to disperse trapped blood and fluid from the site of injury. Arnicas effectiveness as a treatment for bruising, sports injuries, and inflammation is well established and many commercial creams used for treatment of pain, bruising, and swelling contain arnica as an active ingredient. Arnica creams are also used to treat pain and inflammation resulting from carpel tunnel syndrome and arthritis. Arnica herbs can also be used externally to treat tired, overstressed muscles. One study performed in Norway showed that marathon runners who applied arnica to their skin before the event experienced less pain and stiffness afterward. Arnica is a relaxing addition to the bath, and has been shown to be particularly helpful for soaking tired, aching feet. Arnicas antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect may be of some benefit to those with inflammatory skin disorders. This herb is traditionally used as a topical treatment for burns, eczema, and acne. However, arnica should not be applied to an open wound, as it could cause painful irritation. Arnica Herbs are excellent in rituals and spells involving protection especially against psychic attacks. The best use for the Arnica Herb is to place it in a velveteen bag and and wear it as a necklace or carry it with you in your pocket or purse. Arnica herbs are only recommended only for external use due to the seriousness of overdose when taken internally that can lead to vomiting, weakness, and increased heart rate. Arnica Herb Specifications: 2 oz Package Comes pre-chopped Recommended only for EXTERNAL USE
#004038 $5.95

Herb: Barberry Cut

Barberry herb shares many properties with its Northwestern counterpart Oregon Grape Root. A bitter herb originally from Europe, it is now cultivated in North America for both ornamental and medicinal purposes. Barberry has been shown to be beneficial in back pain, resulting from kidney weakness or congestion. Barberry herb is a disinfectant and helps relieve pain during urinary infections. It acts as an antispasmodic and relieves pain from kidney stones and helps clear urine with thick mucus or red sediments. Barberry is also useful for many liver and gall bladder problems, hepatitis, and cirrhosis. It assists in detoxification from effects of poor diet, medications or drugs and helps stimulate the immune system. Barberry Herb Benefits: * Beneficial in back pain, resulting from kidney weakness or congestion. * Disinfectant and helps relieve pain during urinary infections. * Acts as an antispasmodic and relieves pain from kidney stones and helps clear urine * Also useful for many liver and gall bladder problems, hepatitis, and cirrhosis. * Assists in detoxification from effects of poor diet, medications or drugs and helps stimulate the immune system. Barberry Herbs are useful in ritual and spells involving luck, power, and prosperity. Barberry Herb Specifications: 2 Oz Package Pre Cut
#004039 $5.95

Herb: Blessed Thistle

Blessed Thistle herb contains Cnicin, a crystalline neutral body that is extremely bitter, but soluble in alcohol and slightly in water. The bitterness of the compound stimulates the digestive system, including the production of saliva and gastric juices, which is what leads to improved appetite and digestion. Blessed Thistle also shows evidence of some anti-inflammatory properties. Ancient use of Blessed Thistle herb seemed to focus on the benefits to the liver; however, from ancient to modern times, the most beneficial use of Blessed Thistle is the use of the leaves in a warm infusion to promote breast milk in nursing mothers. Blessed Thistle herb is effective in exorcism, hex-breaking, and in purification spells. Grown outside the home, this blessed herb is said to attract peace, love, and harmony. Blessed Thistle Herb Specifications: 2 Oz Package Pre Cut
#004040 $4.95

Herb: Burdock

Burdock Herbs have many benefits. Fresh burdock roots contain polyacetylenes, which are phytochemicals that kill some types of bacteria and fungiburdock has been used to treat both bacterial and fungal infections, including ringworm, urinary tract infections, and acne. Its antibacterial effects may also promote wound healing and help treat ulcers. Burdock herb works as both a decongestant and diuretic in the body, and may cause sweating. Traditional Chinese and Indian Ayurvedic medicine uses burdock to treat congestion and fever caused by colds, flu, and pneumonia. Todays herbalists recommend burdock to help eliminate toxins from all parts of the body, including the blood, liver, lymphatic system, kidneys and gallbladder. If you are using Burdock Herb in your rituals and spells, use burdock for Purification, Protection, Ward of Negativity, and Protection Against Magick. Burdock Herb Specifications: 2 oz Package Pre-chopped chips
#004041 $4.95

Herb: Catnip

Taken orally, catnip herbs are most commonly used in connection with anxiety, insomnia, and nervousness. Catnip contains a substance, known as nepetalactone, which has a sedative effect in humans. catnip herbs may also be used to help lessen migraine headaches. Catnip has also been used historically to relieve stomach complaints such as colic, cramps, gas, and indigestion because chemicals in it may have muscle-relaxing, or antispasmodic, effects. If used topically, catnip herb has often been used to reduce swelling associated with arthritis, hemorrhoids, and soft tissue injuries. If you use catnip herb for rituals and spells it is very good for creating a psychic bond with animals; power; courage; love and happiness. Catnip Herb Specifications: 2 Oz Package Pre-Cut
#004042 $4.95

Herb: Cedar Tips

Cedar tip herbs are popular for adding a smoked flavor to fish and meats when cooked with them. Cedar tips are also used to make sweet-smelling cabinets, garden and pet bedding, potpourris, sachets and a purifying incense for meditation and magic. Cedar tip herbs are best used for purification based rituals and spells. Crush up cedar tips and place them in a velveteen bag. Tie the bag tightly and you can have a home made natural air freshener for your car. Once crushed the scent of cedar tips are more strong. Cedar Tip Magical Herb Specifications: 2 Oz Package Whole cedar tip leaves
#004043 $4.95

Herb: Chamomile

Chamomile Herb has many medicinal purposes as well as being a great herb to use magical. Anti-inflammatory: Chamomile herbs soothe inflammation both inside and outside of the body. On the inside of the body, Inflammation is the cause of many gastrointestinal complaints, such as heartburn, diverticular disorders, and inflammatory bowel disease. It acts to sooth the smooth muscles lining the digestive tract, relieving irritable symptoms. Outside the body when used as a lotion or ointment, chamomile herb is used to treat mild burns, including sunburn, rashes, sores and even eye inflammation. Anti-spasmodic: This property of the chamomile herb is responsible for the muscle and nerve-relaxing powers of the herb. It is used commonly to treat anxiety disorders and insomnia, as well as muscle pain associated with menstrual cramps and muscle strains. Certain active compounds in chamomile herb work similar to anti-anxiety medications, which promote relaxation in the brain and nervous system. Chamomile can be used to help ease the pain and uncomfortable feelings associated with burns, allergies and other problems. When used for spells and rituals, chamomile magical herb is best used for marriage proposals; good luck gambling; prevents lightening strikes; prosperity; and meditation Chamomile Herb Specifications: 2 Oz Package Comes pre-chopped
#004044 $4.95

Herb: Cloves

Clove Herbs are stimulating and have antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal and antiseptic properties. They are also a natural anesthetic (due to the eugenol oil) It is the oil that is derived from the clove herb that is so powerful, and this is often used for medicines both topically and internally. This oil contains compound that helps with blood circulation and can stimulate the skin when applied directly to it. Clove herbs are a great spice to heal ailments of the digestive system. They are well known for relieving flatulence and can actually help promote good digestion as well as metabolism. Clove herbs may also help relieve vomiting and diarrhea as well as a host of other digestive disorders. Clove herbs have been known to treat conditions such as scabies, cholera, malaria and tuberculosis. As an antispasmodic it can be applied topically to relieve muscle spasms or in a tea to ease coughing. It can also treat skin problems like styes and sores when applied as an ointment. It is said a paste of milk, salt crystals, and cloves can be a great headache remedy when applied to the forehead. Clove studded oranges are often used to repel many kinds of insects in tropical climates. Sucking on cloves may even reduce the craving for alcohol If you use clove herbs in your rituals and spells you can use them for banishing hostile/negative forces; gain what is sought; clear head; gain friendship/love. Clove Herb Specifications: 2 Oz Package Comes Whole
#004045 $5.95

Herb: Coltsfoot

Coltsfoot herb has an excellent record of treating all lung ailments including bronchitis. It contains mucilage and heals the mucous membranes, helping the body expel excess mucous in the lungs. Make a healing tea for the lungs from coltsfoot magical herb by placing one tablespoon of dried coltsfoot leaves in a pint of water and allowing the mixture to steep for at least thirty minutes. Dip a clean cotton cloth in the warm tea and apply it to the chest directly to help break up phlegm and mucous. Coltsfoot herb is one of the best herbs for treating coughs - from the common cold to whooping cough. The root of the herb is excellent to use in cough syrups when combined with licorice root or slippery elm bark. Coltsfoot herb when used as a tea can also be used to treat coughs by applying to the chest and throat directly. Coltsfoot can be used externally to successfully treat burns and sores of all kinds, including insect bites. It soothes inflammation and swelling. The herb can be made into a poultice or the crushed leaves can be applied directly to the affected area. If you use coltsfoot herb for your rituals and spells, use them prosperity, wealth, abundance, or even love based rituals and spells. Coltsfoot Herb Specifications: 2 oz Package Pre-Crushed
#004046 $5.95

Herb: Comfrey

Mucilage and allantoin are the primary constituents in comfrey herbs which are responsible for the herbs soothing and anti-inflammatory effects. Comfrey herb has a wide range of medicinal uses for both internal and external ailments. Its actions are anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, and anti-inflammatory. Comfrey is an anodyne (alleviates pain), astringent (constricts blood vessels), expectorant (expels mucous), emollient (used to soften body tissues including skin), haemostatic (helps blood clotting), proliferant (increases cells growth), refrigerant, mild sedative, and vulnerary (ability to heal injuries). Dried comfrey leaves are especially popular when used in connection with internal disorders, such as lung ailments, and when used as an expectorant. Comfrey herb acts as a natural laxative and the mucilage as a gum-based substance relieves diarrhea and also helps with the digestion of food, a great benefit to people suffering from irritable bowel syndrome. Reports indicate that comfrey is useful for individuals suffering from ulcers and diabetes. Mucilage created by comfrey magical herb delays the emptying of the stomach and reduces after-meal peaks of glucose and insulin When used topically as an ointment or paste, comfrey magical herb can help with bruises, sprains, open wounds, dislocations, and sore muscles. If you used for your rituals and spells, comfrey is best suited for protection and safe travel based spells and rituals. Comfrey Herb Specifications: 2 oz Package Pre-Cut
#004047 $5.95

Herb: Damiana

Damiana herb is most widely used to enhance sexual potency and is said to induce a dream-like state of euphoria that can spark sexual desire and performance. Damiana herb has also been used as a general tonic for both men and women, particularly when hormone-related conditions are present. The herb has antidepressant and anti-anxiety effects as well, particularly when sexual dysfunction is a symptom of such emotional imbalances. In addition, damiana herb is said to have diuretic and mild laxative effects. Damiana herb can also be used in a tea to help with coughs. Anecdotal evidence suggests that the damiana herbs ability to induce a euphoric response may make it useful in helping to alleviate stress. It seems reasonable then, that people with sexual dysfunction that has roots in emotional or physical distress may respond to Damiana herb. When using damiana magical herb for rituals and spells, use it for sex magic; take to increase magical energy; divination; dreams/clairvoyance. Try burning or smoldering some damiana magical herb in your cauldron while you use your crystal ball or scrying mirror for extra potency. Damiana Herb Specifications 2 oz Package Pre-Chopped
#004048 $4.95

Herb: Dandelion

Dandelion herb contains a significant amount of vitamin A and potassium, as well as moderate amounts of vitamin B, vitamin C, vitamin D, phosphorus, iron, magnesium, zinc, and manganese. All of these substances can be beneficial to your health, but the dandelion leaf also provides a more specific health benefit. Dandelion herb can actually act as a gentle and natural diuretic that aids in the function of the entire digestive system, including the function of the kidneys, gallbladder, bowels and more. It can aid in treating constipation and water retention. Dandelion leaves can be eaten directly from the plant, but their bitter taste makes them less than appealing to the average person. It is better to boil the leaves and add them to salads and other vegetable mixtures. When used in rituals and spells, dandelion herbs are best for summoning spirits; purification; dreams and prophecy. Dandelion Herb Specifications: 2 oz Package Comes pre-cut
#004049 $4.95

Herb: Echinacea Purpurea

Echinacea Purpurea Herb is one of the most popular herbs in America today. Echinacea herb is primarily used to reduce the symptoms and duration of the common cold and flu and to alleviate the symptoms associated with them, such as sore throat (pharyngitis), cough, and fever. Many herbalists also recommend echinacea to help boost the activity of the immune system and to help the body fight infections. Echinacea Purpurea Herb is known to contain active substances that enhance the activity of the immune system, relieve pain, reduce inflammation, and have hormonal, antiviral, and antioxidant effects. For this reason, professional herbalists also recommend echinacea to treat urinary tract infections, vaginal yeast (candida) infections, ear infections (also known as otitits media), athlete`s foot, sinusitis, hay fever (also called allergic rhinitis), as well as slow-healing wounds. Echinacea Purpurea Herb Benefits: * Echinacea (when taken at the first sign of a cold for 8 to 10 days) reduces cold symptoms or shortens their duration. * Enhances the activity of the immune system. * Relieve pain and helps reduce inflammation. * Has hormonal, antiviral, and antioxidant effects. When you use Echinacea Purpurea Herb in your rituals and spells use it for strengthening your magical energies, and for healing. Echinacea Purpurea Herb Specifications: 2 Oz Package Comes pre-cut
#004050 $3.95

Herb: Eucalyptus

Eucalyptus supplements have been promoted for cough/bronchitis and rheumatism. Eucalyptus as an ingredient in over-the-counter drugs is used for temporary relief of minor aches and pains of muscles and for temporary relief of nasal congestion and coughs associated with a cold. The medicinal properties of Eucalyptus reside in its oil, which is extracted from the fresh leaves and branch tips, as well as dried leaves. Eucalyptus leaf (Eucalypti folium) is an approved remedy of the German Government's Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices (Commission E) for catarrhs of the respiratory tract. Eucalyptus oil (Eucalypti aetheroleum) is approved for internal and external catarrhs of the respiratory tract and externally for rheumatic complaints. Eucalyptus leaves when used for rituals and spells can used for healing, protection, purification, and banishing. Eucalyptus Magical Herb Specifications: 2 oz bag Comes pre cut
#004051 $4.95

Herb: Feverfew

Feverfew Herb is Used for the prevention of migraines & headaches, arthritis, fevers, muscle tension and pain, Feverfew herb is also used to lower blood pressure, lessen stomach irritation, stimulate the appetite and to improve digestion and kidney function. It has been indicated for colitis, dizziness, tinnitus and menstrual problems In several studies, both the frequency and the severity of migraines were reduced among study participants who took feverfew herb daily as a preventive measure. However, active migraine headaches were not relieved by taking feverfew. Feverfew herb should be taken regularly to receive maximum benefit and protection from migraines. Menstrual cramps occur when the uterine lining produces too much prostaglandin, a hormone that can cause pain and inflammation. Because it can help limit the release of prostaglandin, feverfew may have a role to play in easing menstrual cramps. While more research is required, there's probably no harm in starting to take feverfew a day before you anticipate that your menstrual cramps will begin. Feverfew has also been used for relieving the pain and inflammation of arthritis. It is known that chemicals in feverfew herb may reduce the body's production of substances that initiate and prolong inflammation, which is the body's response to irritation, injury, or infection. Inflammation usually includes pain, redness, and swelling in the area of the damage ,and it can occur within body tissues as well as on the surface of the skin. Chemicals in feverfew herb are thought to prevent blood components called platelets from releasing inflammatory substances. Feverfew herb may also reduce the body's production of prostaglandins, hormone-like substances made in the body and involved in regulating a number of body functions including blood pressure, blood vessel tone, and temperature, as well as inflammation. All of these effects could help relieve fever, arthritis, and migraines. Additional benefits include lower blood pressure, less stomach irritation and a renewed sense of well-being. Feverfew has been used to stimulate appetite, and improve digestion and kidney function. It may also relieve dizziness, tinnitus, and painful or sluggish menstruation. Its extracts have been claimed to relieve asthma, coughs, dermatitis and worms. If you use feverfew herb in your rituals and spells, use it for protection and purification. As a protection based herb feverfew is one of the best you can have on hand. Feverfew Herb Specifications: 2 oz Size Comes pre-cut
#004052 $4.95

Herb: Five Finger Grass

Five Finger Grass is effective for Love, Money, Repel Negativity - it is believed that the bearer of Five Finger Grass will be granted love, money, health, power and wisdom, which is what the five points of the leaves represent. It is also believed to repel any evil or negativity caused by the five fingers of man. Five Finger Grass Specifications: 2 oz package Finely chopped
#004053 $7.95

Herb: Ginkgo Biloba Leaf

Ginkgo Biloba herb preparations are effective in the treatment of arterial insufficiency, particularly in the lower limbs and brain. Patients with intermittent claudication showed significant improvements in pain-free walking time and maximum walking distance. Elderly patients with chronic cerebral insufficiency demonstrated a significant regression of major symptoms including vertigo, tinnitus, headache, short-term memory, vigilance and mood changes. Ginkgo Biloba herb has been shown to improve glucose utilisation within the brain. It improves the transmission of nerve impulses and increases alertness by increasing the brain`s alpha wave rhythms and decreasing theta rhythms. Ginkgo Biloba Herb has a demonstrable effect on the venous system too and is used to treat conditions such as varicose veins. Ginkgo alleviates male impotence where the underlying cause is impaired blood circulation to erectile tissue; initial signs of improvement were seen to commence after 8 weeks of Ginkgo biloba supplementation and, after 6 months, 50% of patients had regained potency. Recent research has shown that the extract GBE from the yellow autumn leaves contains a vitamin that strengthens blood vessels, reduces the production of tissue-damaging free radicals and improves cellular energy. The bioflavonoids protect and maintain the integrity of capillary walls, inhibit lipid peroxidation within cell membranes, stabilise the cell membranes involved in the blood-brain barrier, destroy free radicals and inactivate their formation. Ginkgo has been shown to improve eyesight in senile macular degeneration and to neutralise the effects of oxygen free radicals produced in the eyes. Ginkgo Biloba herb is thought to alleviate allergies by inhibiting the activity of eosinophils, an action attributed to Ginkgolide B. Ginkos ability to reduce inflammation may make it valuable in the future for conditions such as autoimmune problems, multiple sclerosis and organ transplants. Some anti-tumour activity against sarcoma in mice has been recorded. If you use Ginko Biloba Herb for spells and rituals, it is best used for psychic awareness, any form of mental based spells and magick, protection, healing, and purification. Ginko Biloba Herb Specifications: 2 oz Pacakge Pre-Cut Leaves
#004054 $3.95

Herb: Heal All

Heal All Herb can be used topical to treat boils and internally for gas, colic, sore throat, hemorrhages, and diarrhea. Heal All Is much esteemed for healing wounds however, as it is an effective astringent, thus useful in stopping the flow of blood from a cut or wound. If you use heal all herb in ritual and spells use it for healing, prosperity, money and to win in gambling. Heal All Herb Specifications: 1 Oz Package Comes pre-cut
#004055 $4.95

Herb: Horehound

Horehound herb has been used to treat cold and flu symptoms for thousands of years. It helps loosen phlegm and quiets coughs. Horehound is also used to treat indigestion and discomfort caused by gas and bloating. Use Horehound herb for relief of minor respiratory symptoms that result form bronchitis, colds, flu, and sinusitis. If you use horehound herb for your rituals and spells use it for protection, the balancing of personal energies, to help during clarity rituals, and to stimulate creativity and inspiration. Horehound magical herb is also sacred to the Egyptian god Horus, and can be used as an offering. Horehound Herb Specifications: 2 Oz Package Comes pre-cut
#004056 $3.95

Herb: Hyssop

Hyssop herb is used to treat all kinds of lung problems such as asthma, colds and coughs. This herb is very useful in loosening phlegm in the lungs. Apply a hyssop compress directly to the chest to treat a variety of lung complaints. Hyssop herb has been used for ages to treat sore throat and is especially useful in treating children and infants. Apply as a compress directly to the throat to soothe and heal soreness. Hyssop can also be made into a tea and gargled to treat sore throat. To make a tea from hyssop, place one teaspoon of the dried herb in one cup of boiling water. Allow the mixture to steep for twenty minutes and then strain. Hyssop herb is good in the treatment of fevers. It causes perspiration to begin and purges the body of toxins and fever. Make a tea of hyssop according to the instructions above and drink one cup every hour until the fever subsides. Hyssop will regulate the blood and increase circulation, making it an excellent herb to treat high blood pressure. It will lower the blood pressure and soothe the entire body. Make a tea of hyssop magical herb using the directions above and drink two or three cups daily to lower blood pressure. When the hyssop leaves are applied directly to the skin, hyssop will stop pain and swelling caused by bruises, insect bites and any other skin inflammations. The fresh leaves should be crushed and applied to the affected area. In the case of large bruises, the leaves may be made into a poultice. Soak the herb for fifteen to twenty minutes in boiling water and place in a cloth. Apply to the affected area. This will remove discoloration caused by bruising and ease pain. If you use hyssop herb for rituals and spells, you can use it effectively in Physical & spiritual protection; Purification, and especially healing. Hyssop Herb Specifications: 2 Oz Package Comes pre-cut
#004057 $3.95

Herb: Kelp

Mineral-rich Kelp is a popular salt substitute. Because the plant`s nutrients come in a natural form, they are easily assimilated by the body. Kelp granuales herb can be used to enhance the flavor of soups, broths, and chowders. Kelp granuales can be added to marinades and sauces or to everyday recipes for extra goodness. A favorite addition to soothing cosmetic baths, it tones, hydrates and clears the skin. Very rich source of natural vitamins and minerals, including essential trace minerals. A great source of Magnesium, Calcium, Phosphorus, Iron, Potassium, 12 vitamins (including A, B1, B2, C, D and E ), 21 amino acids and over 60 minerals and trace elements. It is particularly rich in the trace element iodine and tocopherol (Vitamin E). If you use kelp granuales herb for rituals and spells use it for water magick, healing, and purification specifically. Kelp Granuales Herb Specifications: 2 Oz Package Comes pre crushed in granuale form
#004058 $2.95

Herb: Lemon Balm

The lemon balm herb is used for nervous agitation, sleeping problems, functional gastrointestinal complaints, menstrual cramps and urinary spasms. It is thought that the volatile oils in lemon balm contain chemicals that relax muscles, particularly in the bladder, stomach, and uterus, thereby relieving cramps, gas, and nausea Lemon balm is widely used to treat anxiety and insomnia in Europe. It reduces anxiety and stress and eases sleep disorders. Recently it produced an unexpected result in a research study: it greatly increased the ability to concentrate and perform word and picture tasks. Research has shown that the lemon balm plant contains polyphenols, it can help significantly in the treatment of cold sores and combat the herpes simplex virus, shingles as well as other viral afflictions. Studies have shown a significant reduction in the duration and severity of herpes. Researchers also noted a "tremendous reduction" in the frequency of recurrence. When applied to cold sores or genital sores caused by the herpes simplex virus, creams or ointments containing lemon balm magical herb have speeded healing. The infections did not spread as much and individuals using topical lemon balm also reported more relief from symptoms such as itching and redness. At least part of this effect is due to antiviral properties of caffeic acid and rosmarinic acid, which are contained in lemon balm. Several studies have used Lemon balm, and Lemon balm/Valerian combinations to treat stress, anxiety and insomnia. The studies have shown improved sleep patterns and reduced stress and anxiety. Lemon balm herb has been used in treating thyroid problems and has shown an ability to regulate thyroid hormone production. This ability, along with the herbs anti-viral characteristics have made the herb useful in the treatment of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Another small but interesting study used lemon balm, aromatherapeutically to calm overexcited individuals suffering from dementia. Dementia is an increasing deficiency in thought processes caused by brain damage such as from a stroke or disease such as Alzheimer's disease. If you use lemon balm herb in your rituals and spells use it for healing, astral travel, sleeping/dreaming, and vitality specifically. Lemon Balm Herb Specifications: 1 Oz Package Comes pre-cut
#004059 $3.95

Herb: Lemon Verbena Leaf

Lemon Verbena herb has numerous medicinal properties that include: strengthening the nervous system de-stressing anti-spasmodic expectorant helps with digestion easing colic feverish cold reducing fevers relieving spasms of digestive track (colon) If you use lemon verbena herb in rituals and spells, use it specifically for protection; love spells; excite spiritual love; wear to prevent dreaming; adds power to charms; and purification. Lemon Verbena Herb Specifications: 1 Oz Package Comes pre-cut
#004060 $6.95

Herb: Lemongrass

Lemongrass herb is known for its calming effect that relieves insomnia or stress. It is also considered as a mild insect repellant. But more than scent, tanglad or lemon grass provides a lot of health benefits. Studies have shown that the lemon grass herb has antibacterial and antifungal properties. Mixed with pepper, it's a home therapy for menstrual troubles and nausea. Drank as tea, lemon grass magical herb is an effective diuretic. When it comes to pets, citronella is used to neutralize excessive barking of dogs. Since dogs hate citronella, it is sprayed to dogs to prevent them from barking or just to lessen the behavior. The Lemon grass herb is a good cleanser that helps to detoxify the Liver, pancreas, kidney, bladder and the digestive tract. It cuts down uric acid, cholesterol, excess fats and other toxins in the body while stimulating digestion, blood circulation, and lactation; it also alleviates indigestion and gastroenteritis. It is said that lemongrass also helps improve the skin when used topically by reducing acne and pimples and acts as a muscle and tissue toner. Also, it can reduce blood pressure. Just make a concoction by boiling some lemon grass herb, let it cool for a while and drink the liquid. if you use lemongrass herb for rituals and spells, use them specifically for enhancing psychic abilities, sleep/dreaming, lust, and protection from negative entities Lemongrass Herb Specifications: 2 Oz Package Comes pre-cut
#004061 $3.95

Herb: Lobelia

Lobelia herb is commonly used to treat respiratory ailments, such as asthma, bronchitis, pneumonia, and coughs. Lobeline, an active constituent in the lobelia plant, is very similar to nicotine in its effect on the central nervous system. Lobeline acts as a relaxant overall while also dilating the bronchioles (air passages), thereby increasing respiration and possibly helping the lungs. Its anti-asthma activity consists of stimulating the adrenal glands to release the hormone epinephrine, which causes the airways to relax. Lobelia herb is used in connection with the following conditions and/or their symptoms: Asthma Chronic bronchitis Pneumonia Symptoms of smoking withdrawal Spastic colon Spastic muscle conditions Lobelia herb may also be used externally in connection with diseases of the muscles, joints, and tendons that involve inflammation and degeneration. If you use lobelia herb in rituals and spells, use it specifically for sex magick, meditation, and astral travel/dreaming. Lobelia Herb Specifications: 1 oz Package Comes pre-cut
#004062 $3.95

Herb: Meadowsweet

Meadowsweet Herb due to its salicylic acid content, has been used for colds and respiratory problems, acid indigestion or peptic ulcers, joint problems, skin diseases, and diarrhea. Meadowsweet herb is also beneficial for: Musculature disorders: * Rheumatism * Arthritis Digestive disorders: * Hyperacidity * Ulcers * Diarrhoea * Nausea * Irritable bowel syndrome * Heartburn * Gastritis * Dropsy * Indigestion * Hiatus hernia If you use meadowsweet herb for rituals and spells use it for love, divination, peace, and happiness specifically. Meadowsweet Herb Specifications: 2 Oz package Comes pre-cut
#004063 $3.95

Herb: Mistletoe

Mistletoe is excellent for stress this deep, broad acting, yet calming herb should be considered as a regenerative aid to health, in many cases. The leaves (unlike the berries) are non-toxic and safe. The Druids held mistletoe in great reverence as a sacred plant that could remove every ill. It was gathered with great ceremony and cut from the tree with a golden knife. These days its wonderful virtues have almost been forgotten, many people think it is poisonous; this being true only of the berries, the leaves however are completely non poisonous and may be taken like any other herb on a regular basis. Mistletoe has also been shown to help fight cancer, improve circulation, and can be used as an aphrodisiac. When used in rituals and spells mistletoe can be used for fertility; love; protection; visions, lust, and sex magick. Mistletoe Magical Herb Specifications: 2 oz package Comes pre cut
#004064 $4.95

Herb: Mugwort

Mugwort herb is most widely known for its affinity for the female reproductive system, used as a uterine stimulant that can bring on delayed menstruation and help restore a woman's natural monthly cycle. Often used as a smudging (burning) ceremonial herb. It is mildly sedative and useful in calming frayed nerves and easing stress. As all the bitter herbs, mugwort herb is an excellent digestive stimulant, and is quite effective taken before or after heavy meals to alleviate gas and bloating. One of the more interesting traditional uses of mugwort herb is that of a dream herb, it is often used as one of the main ingredients of sleep pillows, and it said to bring the dreamer more lucid dreams. If you use mugwort herb for rituals and spells use it specifically for visionary dreams; clairvoyance; protection; travel stamina/safety; consecrate divinatory tools; add power to scrying tools. If you place mugwort herb into a cauldron and have it smolder or burn it can be an added benefit for your crystal ball and scrying mirror usage while diving. Mugwort Herb Specifications: 2 Oz Package Comes pre-cut
#004065 $3.95

Herb: Mullein

Mullein contains a considerable quantity of flavonoids, tannins, glucidic substances, and because of that it has expectorant, emollient, anti-inflammatory, antiviral, antihistaminic and calming effects. Because of its expectorant effects, mullein flowers can be used in treating bronchitis and coughing. Tea made from mullein flowers in combination with mallow flowers, lime, colts foot leaves and plantain are a good treatment against hoarseness. The plant can also be used in stomachaches, intestine inflammations and in bladder dysfunctions. Mullein decoct made of mullein flowers are known for having good results in treating hemorrhoids, furunculosis, burns and chilblains. When used for rituals and spells, mullein can be used for invoking spirits and it also keeps away demons and nightmares while sleeping. Mullein Herb Specifications: 2 oz package Comes finely cut
#004066 $4.95

Herb: Nettles Leaf

Nettle leaf herb is rich in chlorophyll, and a good source of beta carotene; vitamins A, C, and E; tannins; iron; calcium; phosphates; and various other minerals, especially silica. Nettle leaf has astringent, expectorant, galactagogue milk producing, tonic, anti-inflammatory, homeostatic, and diuretic properties. The active ingredients of Nettle include water-soluble polysaccharides that stimulate the immune system, and large protein-sugar molecules known as lectins. The entire plant of Nettle may be used in various medicinal preparations. Nettle leaf herb is very helpful when used in conjunction with therapies for removing -toxins from the blood, and for rheumatism. Bioflavonoids in Nettle leaves and roots are generally anti-inflammatory and anti-histamine. The magnesium in Nettle may help upper respiratory symptoms, if asthmatics are magnesium-deficient. Magnesium relieves bronchial muscle spasms and reduces the histamine response. The boron in Nettle may be helpful in treating osteoarthritis (OA) and rheumatoid arthritis (RA), because it helps the bones retain calcium and influences the body's endocrine system since hormones play a crucial role in helping the body maintain healthy bones and joints. If you use Nettles Leaf Herb in your rituals and spells, use it specifically for removing spells/curses; protection; and exorcism Nettles Leaf Herb Specifications: 2 Oz Package Comes pre-cut
#004067 $3.95

Herb: Orange Peel

Orange Peel is a source of pectin, an indigestible carbohydrate that stimulates the growth of probiotic bacteria in the large intestine. These bacteria help prevent food-borne pathogens. Orange Peel has also been shown to aid in the prevention of indigestion lower cholesterol and help in the digestion of fatty foods. Orange Peel has been studied as an anti-cancer agent. Supplementing with Orange Peel is a healthy way to increase Vitamin C intake, thus improving overall health in regards to the increased immunity to cold and flu that Vitamin C provides, as well as aiding digestion and preventing food-related illnesses. If you use orange peel in your rituals and spells use it specifically for healing, purification, and strengthening magical energies. Orange Peel Specifications: 2 oz Package Comes pre-cut
#004068 $3.95

Herb: Patchouly

Patchouly Herb has numerous medicinal benefits that include: * Anti Depressant: Patchouly herb works great on people suffering from depression. It helps them to get over from the feeling and fills them with new hopes. That is why it is very much in use in aromatherapy. It uplifts mood, drives away disappointment and relaxes tension. * Anti Phlogistic: Patchouly herb soothes inflammation, particularly those resulting from fever and gives relief. * Anti Septic: Patchouly Protects the wounds and ulcers from infections and from being septic. * Aphrodisiac: Patchouli herb is also good for treating sexual problems such as impotency, loss of libido and interest in sex, erectile problems, frigidity etc. and acts as an aphrodisiac. * Astringent: Patchouly herb induces contractions in muscles, nerves and skin. This helps strengthening hold of gums on teeth, preventing shagging of skin, hair fall and loosening of muscles. This astringency of Patchouli Oil also helps stop haemorrhage by contracting the blood vessels. * Cicatrisant: Patchouly helps heal cuts and wounds and also speed up the fading of their scars. This is equally effective in vanishing marks left by boils, acne, pox, measles etc. * Cytophylactic: This properties of Patchouli promotes growth by helping generation of new body cells. This helps in production of red blood cells too. It was seen mainly helpful in regeneration of new skin cells, thus keeping the skin healthy, young and vibrant. * Deodorant: The strong sweet, spicy and musky aroma of this magical herb keeps away body odor. But it should be used in dilution as sometimes the aroma of Patchouli Oil might feel too strong to bear. * Diuretic: Patchouly increases the tendency of urinating as well as the frequency of urination and quantity of urine. This helps loose weight, lower blood pressure, increase appetite, lower cholesterol and removal of toxins from the body. * Febrifuge: Patchouly herb Reduces body temperature in case of fever by fighting the infections causing the fever. Being an Anti Phlogistic, it gives relief from the inflammations caused by fever and this way too helps bringing down the fever, since fever can be reduced to some extent if the pain and inflammation associated with fever are taken care of. * Fungicide: Patchouli has been found quite effective in inhibiting fungal growths and infections, thereby providing protection from some of the notorious infections like athletes foot. * Insecticide: As said earlier, the insecticidal property of Patchouli herb was recognized long ago. Despite smelling sweet, it is very effective in keeping insects away. It may be used in sprays, body lotions, fumigants, vaporizers, incense sticks or can be mixed with water to wash clothes and bed linen to drive away mosquitoes, ants, bed bugs, lice, fleas, flies and moths. * Sedative: Patchouly Herb calms down inflammations and sedates convulsions, coughs and epileptic attacks resulting from hype sensitivity or hyper reactivity of nerves. It can also stop eruption of allergies by sedating the hyper sensitivity of body towards certain elements. Tonic: The property of Patchouli Oil tones up the whole body. It makes right the metabolic functions like decomposition of food and absorption of nutrients by toning up the liver, stomach and intestines, helping you grow stronger and healthier; takes care of proper excretion; regulates the endocrinal secretions of hormones and enzymes and also tones up the nervous system, thus making you more alert and active, and finally, boosts the immune system, protecting you from infections. * Other Benefits: Helps treat eczema, dermatitis, psoriasis and sores. Gives relief from constipation. Can be used as an antidote against insect bites temporarily. If using Patchouly magical herb in rituals and spells, it is best suited for reverse spells; drive troublemakers away; clairvoyance; divination; passion; love; sex magick; manifest money; and increasing physical strength. Patchouly Herb Specifications: 1 Oz Package Comes pre-cut
#004069 $3.95

Herb: Pau d`Arco

Pau d'arco herb has been used successfully to treat such things as fevers, arthritis, infections, malaria, skin problems, cancers, and even complications of AIDS. Pau d'arco has effectively treated malaria, yeast infections, tuberculosis, strep, and dysentery. Pau d' arco herb in small dosages increases immune system activity and in large doses suppresses some immune responses such as inflammation. Its anti-inflammatory work have given pau d'arco herb promise as a treatment for arthritis, allergies, ulcers, skin problems, and other similar conditions. Add to that list diabetes, flu, lupus, parasites, and skin diseases, and it is easy to see why it was once toted as a 'wonder drug.' If you use Pau d'arco herb in your rituals and spells, it is most effect when used in healing, purification, love spells, and protection. Pau D'arco Herb Specifications: 2 oz package Comes pre-cut
#004070 $3.95

Herb: Pennyroyal
Penny Royal Herb has numerous benefits medicinally however, caution must be used with penny royal as it is a highly toxic plant and must be used in small doses. * Anti Microbial & Anti Bacterial: The anti microbial and anti bacterial properties of penny royal herb are outcomes of its toxicity. Even in trace quantities (such as parts per million), how deadly poison this oil might be for those tiny microscopic living beings (microbes) if it is so deadly for humans that even a few milliliters can cause death. It kills the microbes and bacteria and protects us from infections caused by them. * Anti Rheumatic & Anti Arthritic: The depurative property, the numbing effect of penny royal magical herb on the nerves and its cordial and stimulating effects on the blood circulation together make it an ideal combination as an anti rheumatic and anti arthritic medicine. Being a depurative, penny royal promotes removal of toxins like uric acid from the body, thereby eradicating the biggest cause behind rheumatism. The numbing effect on the nerves helps withstand the pain of rheumatism and arthritis. Its cordial or warming effect warms up the affected place and gives a better feeling and finally, its stimulating effect on the blood circulation which increases blood circulation, brings warmth to the affected places and also cures them because obstructed circulation is another reason behind rheumatism and arthritis. * Anti Septic: Wounds and internal organs, particularly the urinary tracts, urethra, kidneys and uterus, may become septic due to infection by the germs. The highly poisonous behaviour of penny royal herb makes it an anti septic, since it kills the germs or bacteria which causes septic. But penny royal should be used in very mild doses as it is highly poisonous and irritant. * Astringent: Traditionally, Penny Royal herb has been in use as a gum strengthener which is probably due to its astringent properties, which makes the gums to contract and tighten their grip on the teeth. The effects of its astringency can also be felt on the other parts of the body as this property induces contraction in other muscles too and tightens them, pulls up the loose hanging skin, gives a face lift, strengthens hair roots and helps stop haemorrhage by contracting the blood vessels. * Cordial: Due to its stimulating property, Penny Royal increases blood circulation which in turn warms up the whole body, thus behaving as a cordial. This warming effect gives relief from feeling of cold resulting from fever. * Decongestant: The toxicity of penny royal magical herb makes it an anti viral and fights infections in the lungs. This also loosens the phlegm and catarrh deposition in the lungs and the respiratory tracts and promote their expectoration. This way, it behaves as a decongestant for the lungs. * Depurative: There are certain reports which say that penny royal herb can be used as a depurative, that is, a blood purifier. Certain components of this oil may help neutralize the toxins in the blood. As it promotes blood circulation, it also helps proper mixing of fresh oxygen with the blood and this way it may purify blood. * Digestive: The herb Penny Royal has been in use in the folk medicines to facilitate digestion. This property is also reportedly present in its essential oil and it promotes digestion by stimulating secretion of digestive juices. * Emenagogue: This is the well proven and well known property of Penny Royal. It opens blocked and delayed menstruations and makes them more regular by stimulating production of certain hormones like estrogen and progesterone. * Insecticide: As this oil is toxic to human and other animals, it is toxic to insects too. It is a very efficient insect killer and is very effective if used in fumigants, sprays and vapourizers. * Stomachic: Used in very low doses, penny royal herb can cure stomach problems and can settle the stomach. It cures infections in the stomach, helps maintain acid-base balance in the stomach by stimulating secretion of acids and bile into the stomach and also soothes inflammations and irritations in it. * Other Benefits: It is also used to treat flatulence, ailments pertaining to gall bladder and liver, jaundice and hepatitis and tumours. If you use Penny Royal Herb in your rituals and spells use it specifically for peace and tranquility; protection; exorcism(very effective); consecration rituals, and purification. Penny Royal Herb Specifications: 2 Oz Package Comes pre-cut
#004071 $3.95

Herb: Peppermint Leaf

Peppermint Leaf herb is a great aid to the digestive system. It increases the quantity and ability of bile to flow from the liver. This in turn helps in the digestion of fats and reduces bad cholesterol. Peppermint leaf also calms the stomach, aids in extracting nutrients from food, reduces harmful bacteria in the stomach, and relaxes the muscles in the intestines thus reducing cramping. Its cleansing properties decrease the filtering work demanded of the liver and kidneys. An after-dinner peppermint reduces both stomach gas and the amount of time food is in the stomach. It is used in anti-nausea medicine, not just for its pleasant flavor, but also because peppermint will sooth the stomach lining. In this way it has been effective in treating motion sickness and morning sickness as well. Though effective as a tea, peppermint herb is primarily harvested for its oils, namely, menthol, menthone, and menthyl acetate. The peppermint leaves are rated by the quantity of menthol in them. Peppermint grown in the US is about 70% menthol. Peppermint also contains vitamins A and C, magnesium, potassium, inositol, niacin, copper, iodine, silicon, iron, and sulfur. For some peppermint leaf is a more effective source of pain relief for headaches than acetaminophen. Massaging the temples with peppermint oil has relieved even migraine headaches by relaxing muscles and cooling the skin. As a balm, it is used to relieve muscle and arthritic pain as well. Peppermint is an effective relaxant and can help in treating stress and restlessness. Peppermint Leaf is also a natural expectorant and decongestant. Thus it is effective in the treatment of many respiratory ailments including bronchitis, sinusitis, and asthma, and is known to stimulate the immune system. If you use peppermint leaf herb in your rituals and spells it is mostly effective for visionary dreams; increase psychic ability; healing; and purification. Peppermint Leaf Herb Specifications: 2 Oz Package Comes pre-cut
#004072 $3.95

Herb: Pomegranates

Pomegranate herbs are rich in antioxidants that can keep bad LDL cholesterol from oxidizing. This degradation of LDL seems to be an initial step in the development of atherosclerosis. In addition, pomegranate juice, like aspirin, can help keep blood platelets from clumping together to form unwanted clots. Pomegranate compounds might prevent prostate cancer or slow its growth. Also, pomegranate magical herb has been shown to help with erectile dysfunction. If you use Pomegranate herbs in your rituals and spells they are best suited for divination, luck, wishes, wealth, and fertility. Pomegranate Herb Specifications: 1 Whole Pomegranate per order
#004073 $4.95

Herb: Rasberry Leaf

Raspberry Leaf herbs have been used in connection with the common cold, sore throats, diarrhea, pregnancy, and postpartum support. In pregnancy raspberry leaf was traditionally used to help with nausea, ease labor and delivery, and post- partum recovery. It is also helpful for regulating menstrual period and controlling diarrhea. Raspberry leaf herb when made into a tea also acts as an astringent on irritated skin by tightening the top layers of skin or mucous membranes effectively reducing secretions, relieving irritation, and improving tissue firmness. As a mouth wash it is used to soothe mouth and throat irritations. If you use Raspberry Leaf Herbs in your rituals and spells they are best suited for calming; sleep; visions; healing; protection; love; and fertility. Raspberry Leaf Herb Specifications: 2 Oz Package Comes pre-cut
#004074 $3.95

Herb: Red Clover

At one time red clover herb was used as a spring tonic as well as a treatment for whooping cough, especially in children. It was fermented into a wine and used by ancient Romans in order to treat kidney stones. The health benefits of Red clover include increasing positive cholesterol levels in women who are at risk for cardiovascular disease due to menopause as well as strengthening arterial walls. Other health benefits of Red clover herb include its ability to reduce hot flashes in menopausal women and ease irritating skin conditions such as eczema and psoriasis. It is also thought that Red clover may contribute to a reduced risk of bone loss due to the effects of menopause. Red clover herb has been traditionally used in folk medicine as a cough expectorant because of its ability to increase the expulsion of mucous. If you use red clover herb in your rituals and spells it is best suited for baths to aid in financial arrangements. Also used in potions for lust. Protects and blesses domestic animals. Red Clover Herb Specifications: 2 Oz Package Comes whole
#004075 $4.95

Herb: Red Sandalwood Chips

Red Sandalwood chips cure digestive problems, drink water which is stored in red sandalwood tumblers or cups. Consume two such cups of water a day. * An ethanolic extract of the wood powder has been found to be effective in lowering blood sugar levels and hence is useful for diabetics. * It is also found to be useful in lowering blood pressure and curing hypertension. * It reduces nausea and vomiting, cures dysentery. * External application helps in eases inflammations and provides relief in headaches and fevers. * Also useful in menstrual problems like excessive bleeding. Cosmetic benefits Pound a piece of red sandalwood with water on a stone slab to extract its paste. Using this homemade paste as a face pack imparts a glow to ones face and lightens scars caused by acne. Pure red sandalwood powder is widely used in paste-based face packs, face creams, shampoos and body lotions. When using red sandalwood chips for rituals and spells use them specifically for clairvoyance; healing;protection; purification; spirituality; meditation; sacred rituals; magickal work; and to stimulate sex. Can not export to Canada. Red Sandalwood Chip Specificatoins: 1 oz Package Comes in chip form
#004076 $3.95

Herb: Rose Buds and Petals

Uses for rose buds and petals herb include circulatory; digestive and nerve stimulant; memory; headache; depression; and halitosis. If used in your rituals and spells, rose buds and petals herb is best suited for protection; exorcism; healing; purification; love stimulator(highly effective in love spells). Rose Buds And Petals Herb Specifications: 2 oz Package Comes pre-cut
#004077 $3.95

Herb: Rose Hips

Rose hip herbs are taken by many today as a natural way to get vitamin C, vitamin E and vitamin K, and help to prevent and treat various infections, especially colds and flu. Rose hips are also taken to quicken the healing process for bruises and skin irritations. Inflammation and sore throat can find relief with rose hips, which come in capsule form and are usually taken 3 times daily. Women receive extra benefits from rose hips which help uterine cramps, heavy menstrual flow and some breast disorders. In addition to vitamins C, E, and K, rose hip herbs contain calcium, citric acid, iron, niacin, phosphorus, tannin, vitamin A, B1, B2, and P. As a natural stimulant it gently allows movement of the bowels, as diuretic rose hips cleanse the urinary system, as a pectoral hips are a remedy for pulmonary and other lung diseases, and as a tonic the rose hips strengthen organs. Stressed and tired? Rose hips will help. Nervousness? Try rose hips for relief. As a matter of fact, rose hips provide innumerable health benefits from skin, to the immune system, to the bladder. Studies have even shown that rose hips can help prevent the development of kidney stones and prevent diarrhea. Additional studies have proven rose hips are helpful to the circulatory system, respiratory system, the thymus gland and as a blood cleanser. Other health benefits include lowering abnormal body heat, relieving thirst, healing of internal hemorrhaging or spitting of blood, aid for dysentery, strengthens the stomach, prevents and helps relief chest infections and coughs, cleans the kidneys and bladder, prevents fluid retention, helps with gout and rheumatic conditions and nourishes the skin. If used in your rituals and spells, rose buds and petals magical herb is best suited for protection; exorcism; healing; purification; love stimulator(highly effective in love spells). Rose Hip Herb Specifications: 2 Oz Package Whole rose hip
#004078 $3.95

Herb: Rosemary Leaf

When Rosemary herb is Applied to the skin, rosemary helps strengthen the capillaries and has a rejuvenating effect. For this reason, rosemary is a common ingredient used in many cosmetics, including skin toners, creams, soaps and hair products. However, beyond being a flavouring-enhancer for certain foods and its use in cosmetics, rosemary extract has a long history of medicinal uses too. It has been used to treat a wide range of ailments, including stomach upsets, digestive disorders and headaches. Recent research is now revealing even more benefits attached to rosemary herb, including its ability to help prevent cancer and age-related skin damage, boost the functioning of the liver and act as a mild diuretic to help reduce swelling. Two of the most important ingredients in rosemary herb, which are thought to be largely responsible for many of these therapeutic actions, are caffeic acid and rosemarinic acid - both are potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory agents. These two natural acids are effective at reducing inflammation which may contribute to asthma, liver disease and heart disease. Another benefit rosemary extract has been shown to possess is an ability to inactivate toxins and then eliminate them from your liver, before they can inflict any serious damage. Rosemary also has therapeutic properties as a mild diuretic - making it effective in reducing swollen ankles and bloating. When used in rituals and spells, rosemary magical herb is best suited for protection; exorcism; healing; purification; and as a love stimulator. Rosemary Herb Specifications: 4 oz Package Comes as whole leaves
#004079 $3.95

Herb: Sage Leaf

Sage herb is widely known to help a number of ailments. Sage is known to stop bleeding of wounds and cleaned ulcers and sores. Sage juice in warm water can be used for hoarseness and cough. It was used by herbalists externally to treat sprains, swelling, ulcers, and bleeding. Internally, a tea made from sage leaves has had a long history of use to treat sore throats and coughs; often by gargling. Sage Leaf was also used by herbalists for rheumatism, excessive menstrual bleeding, and to dry up a mother's milk when nursing was stopped. It was particularly noted for strengthening the nervous system, improving memory, and sharpening the senses. Sage herb has been know to reduce the delirium of fevers and in the nervous excitement frequently accompanying brain and nervous diseases. It has a considerable reputation as a remedy, given in small and often-repeated doses. Sage leaf herb is highly serviceable as a stimulant tonic in debility of the stomach and nervous system and weakness of digestion generally. It was for this reason that the Chinese valued it, giving it the preference to their own tea. It is considered a useful medicine in typhoid fever and beneficial in biliousness and liver complaints, kidney troubles, hemorrhage from the lungs or stomach, for colds in the head as well as sore throat, quinsy, measles, for pains in the joints, lethargy and palsy. It has been used to check excessive perspiration in phthisis cases, and is useful as an emmenagogue. Sage has been known to have treat for mild gastrointestinal upset and excessive sweating as well as for external use in conditions of inflamed mucous membranes of the mouth and throat. Sage has an anti-spasmodic action which reduces tension in smooth muscle, and it can be used in a steam inhalation for asthma attacks. It is an excellent remedy for helping to remove mucous congestion in the airways and for checking or preventing secondary infection. It may be taken as a carminative to reduce griping and other symptoms of indigestion, and is also of value in the treatment of dysmenorrhoea. Its bitter component stimulates upper digestive secretions, intestinal mobility, bile flow, and pancreatic function, while the volatile oil has a carminative and stimulating effect on the digestion. It has a vermifuge action. There also seems to be a more general relaxant effect, so that the plant is suitable in the treatment of nervousness, excitability and dizziness. It helps to fortify a generally debilitated nervous system. Sage herb has a strong anti-hydrotic action, and was a traditional treatment for night sweats in tuberculosis sufferers. Its oestrogenic effects may be used to treat some cases of dysmenorrhoea and menstrual irregularity or amenorrhoea and can reduce breast-milk production. Research has suggested that the presence of volatile oil in Sage is largely responsible for most of its therapeutic properties, especially its anti-septic, astringent and relaxing actions. Sage is also used internally in the treatment of night sweats, excessive salivation (as in Parkinson's disease), profuse perspiration (as in TB), anxiety and depression. Externally, it is used to treat insect bites, skin, throat, mouth and gum infections and vaginal discharge. Sage herb is one of the best herbs you can use for rituals and spells. It is highly effective in wisdom; money; healing; longevity; and sacred rituals. However, sage herb is mostly used for its highly potent protection properties. The smoke of sage has been scientifically proven to dispel and purge negativity. The compounds within sage acts as a repellent for various negative entities and forces and when it comes to being used for protection and purification, there is no better herb then sage for this purpose. Sage Herb Specifications: 2 oz Package Comes pre-cut
#004080 $4.95

Herb: Skullcap

Skullcap herb may have acquired the reputation as a treatment for rabies from its tranquilizing effect on the central nervous system. Clinical studies have demonstrated skullcap's ability to improve blood flow in the brain, inhibit muscle spasms, and act as a sedative. Some alternative health practitioners are now using senna to help treat symptoms of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Initial research has also shown that skullcap's ability to increase the supply of blood to the brain may help prevent strokes. In China, one species of skullcap, S. baicalensis, is used to treat high blood pressure and insomnia. S. baicalensis is also believed to have antioxidant effects, as well as antihistamine and anti-inflammatory effects, and is used by practitioners of traditional Chinese medicine to treat allergies, tumors, and prostate cancer. When used in rituals and spells, skullcap magical herb is best suited for psychic based spells, dreaming, clairvoyance, divination, meditation, and other rituals and spells involving the use of the mind Skullcap Herb Specifications: 1 Oz Package Comes pre-cut
#004081 $4.95

Herb: Spearmint

Spearmint herb is used as a flavoring in many dishes candies and beverages and as an ingredient in cosmetics. Medicinally Spearmint herb is similar to Peppermint in action, though it is considered to be milder. For this reason Spearmint Leaf has traditionally been used in treating stomachaches in children. A concoction of Spearmint herb was formerly gargled to prevent gum disease and whiten the teeth and it is still used in many toothpastes. Spearmint Leaf is primarily used in ailments of the digestive tract including indigestion flatulence vomiting colic and hiccups. It has also been used as a mild diuretic anti-inflammatory and as a fever reducer. When used for rituals and spells, spearmint magical herb is best suited for any form of love or purification/cleansing based spells and rituals. Spearmint Herb Specifications: 2 oz Package Comes pre-cut
#004082 $3.95

Herb: Star Anise

Star anise herb is native to China and Vietnam and has been used for its carminative, stomachic, stimulant, and diuretic medicinal properties and is used to combat stomach ache due to the accumulation of intestinal gas, headache, and to promote vitality. Use Star Anise herb in protection and meditation incense or under a control fire, burn it raw and have it smolder and smoke in a cauldron. Use in the circle for protection during magical work. You can place star anise herb under the pillow to ward off bad dreams. Use in conjunction with bay leaves for purification bathing. WARNING: All herbs we sell are for ritual / spellcraft use only. They are not sold for any form of medicinal purpose and even though some of the herbs are well known culinary varieties you cannot assume they are of a culinary grade and so should not under any circumstances be ingested in any form or by any means. Star Anise Magical Herb Specifications: 2 Oz Package
#004083 $3.95

Herb: Thyme Leaf

Thyme Herb is mostly used as an aphrodisiac, Thymol, its active ingredient, helps loosen phlegm, combats bronchial spasms, and discourages growth of bacteria. Thyme Herb is also an excellent antiseptic. Thyme enters into the formula for Herb Tobacco, and employed in this form is good for digestion, headache and drowsiness. Thyme herb is also used for embalming corpses, and to preserve linen from insects. The oil is valuable as a local application to neuralgic and rheumatic pains; and, internally, to fulfil any of the indications for which the plant is used. When used in rituals and spells, thyme is best suited for healing, purification, sleep, and psychic abilities. Thyme Herb Specifications: 2 oz package Comes pre-cut
#004084 $3.95

Herb: Vervain

Vervain herb is a useful alternative medicine taken as an abortifacient, antidiarrheal, analgesic, anthelmintic, antiperiodic, astringent,sedative, diaphoretic, emetic, expectorant, tonic, vermifuge, vulnerary.This herbaceous plants has been used in herbal medicine to cure nervous disorders and insomnia.It is useful to cure fevers, ulcers, scrofula, gravel,pleurisy,ebb pain in the bowels and expelling worms. The upper parts of the vervain herb are taken as an effective nerve tonic, liver stimulant, urinary cleanser and fever remedy. Historically, vervain herb is also used to increase milk flow and can be taken during labor to enhance contractions. Traditionally, the plant was thought to be a cure-all among medicinal plants and the genus name is Latin for "sacred plant."As a herbal poultice it is good in headache & rheumatism. If you use vervain herb for rituals and spells use it for restful sleep; calming; protection; purification; divination; consecration; love potions; and creativity. Vervain Herb Specifications: 2 oz package Comes pre-cut
#004085 $4.95

Herb: White Sage

White Sage herb is widely known to help a number of ailments. Sage is known to stop bleeding of wounds and cleaned ulcers and sores. White Sage juice in warm water can be used for hoarseness and cough. It was used by herbalists externally to treat sprains, swelling, ulcers, and bleeding. Internally, a tea made from sage leaves has had a long history of use to treat sore throats and coughs; often by gargling. White Sage Leaf was also used by herbalists for rheumatism, excessive menstrual bleeding, and to dry up a mother's milk when nursing was stopped. It was particularly noted for strengthening the nervous system, improving memory, and sharpening the senses. White Sage herb has been know to reduce the delirium of fevers and in the nervous excitement frequently accompanying brain and nervous diseases. It has a considerable reputation as a remedy, given in small and often-repeated doses. White Sage leaf herb is highly serviceable as a stimulant tonic in debility of the stomach and nervous system and weakness of digestion generally. It was for this reason that the Chinese valued it, giving it the preference to their own tea. It is considered a useful medicine in typhoid fever and beneficial in biliousness and liver complaints, kidney troubles, hemorrhage from the lungs or stomach, for colds in the head as well as sore throat, quinsy, measles, for pains in the joints, lethargy and palsy. It has been used to check excessive perspiration in phthisis cases, and is useful as an emmenagogue. White Sage has been known to have treat for mild gastrointestinal upset and excessive sweating as well as for external use in conditions of inflamed mucous membranes of the mouth and throat. White Sage has an anti-spasmodic action which reduces tension in smooth muscle, and it can be used in a steam inhalation for asthma attacks. It is an excellent remedy for helping to remove mucous congestion in the airways and for checking or preventing secondary infection. It may be taken as a carminative to reduce griping and other symptoms of indigestion, and is also of value in the treatment of dysmenorrhoea. Its bitter component stimulates upper digestive secretions, intestinal mobility, bile flow, and pancreatic function, while the volatile oil has a carminative and stimulating effect on the digestion. It has a vermifuge action. There also seems to be a more general relaxant effect, so that the plant is suitable in the treatment of nervousness, excitability and dizziness. It helps to fortify a generally debilitated nervous system. White Sage herb has a strong anti-hydrotic action, and was a traditional treatment for night sweats in tuberculosis sufferers. Its oestrogenic effects may be used to treat some cases of dysmenorrhoea and menstrual irregularity or amenorrhoea and can reduce breast-milk production. Research has suggested that the presence of volatile oil in White Sage is largely responsible for most of its therapeutic properties, especially its anti-septic, astringent and relaxing actions. Sage is also used internally in the treatment of night sweats, excessive salivation (as in Parkinson's disease), profuse perspiration (as in TB), anxiety and depression. Externally, it is used to treat insect bites, skin, throat, mouth and gum infections and vaginal discharge. White Sage herb is one of the best herbs you can use for rituals and spells. It is highly effective in wisdom; money; healing; longevity; and sacred rituals. However, white sage herb is mostly used for its highly potent protection properties. The smoke of white sage has been scientifically proven to dispel and purge negativity. The compounds within white sage acts as a repellent for various negative entities and forces and when it comes to being used for protection and purification, there is no better herb then sage for this purpose. White Sage Herb Specifications: 2 Oz package Comes as whole leaves
#004086 $5.95

Herb: White Willow Bark

The bark of the white willow tree contains salicin, an analgesic compound from which from which salicylic acid and later acetylsalicylic acid (otherwise known as aspirin) were derived. Today, herbalists recommend white willow bark for headache, fever, arthritis, and other disorders characterized by pain and inflammation, including heart disease. White willow bark herb contains the same salicylates used in aspirin, but in a less concentrated form. Although aspirin works faster, white willow may be a better choice for those who get stomachaches from aspirin or who are treating chronic pain conditions, such as rheumatoid arthritis. Low dose aspirin are now recommended to prevent heart attack. Aspirin thins the blood, which can help prevent blood clots that cause heart attack and stroke. Drinking willow bark as a tea may have the same effect, without increasing the risk of stomach bleeding and ulcers. White willow can also suppress inflammation and uterine cramping caused by prostaglandins. Like aspirin, white willow may help reduce the risk of stomach and colon cancer. In one study it was also shown to help reduce blood sugar. If you use White Willow Bark Herb in your rituals and spells, use it specifically for Moon rituals, Water, Healing, Binding, Bring Blessings of the moon into ones life. White Willow Bark Herb Specifications: 2 oz package Comes pre-cut
#004087 $3.95

Herb: Wild Cherry

Due to its powerful sedative action, wild cherry magical herb is used primarily in the treatment of irritating and persistent coughs when increasing expectoration is inappropriate, and thus has a role in the treatment of bronchitis and whooping cough and in the racking cough of debility or convalescence. Wild Cherry Herb can be combined with other herbs to control asthma. Both the cyanogenic glycosides and volatile oil help to improve the digestion, and may be used as a bitter where digestion is sluggish. The cold infusion of the bark may be used as a wash in eye inflammation and as an astringent in diarrhoea. When used in rituals and spells, wild cherry herb is most effect with love, healing, and purification. Wild Cherry Herb Specifications: 2 oz package Comes pre-cut
#004088 $4.95

Herb: Witches Grass

Witches Grass Herb is best used in rituals and spells for Jupiter; Happiness, Luck, and exorcism. Witches Grass Herb Specifications: 2 oz package Comes pre-cut
#004089 $5.95

Herb: Woodruff

Woodruff is a very beneficial magical herb for gravel and bladder stones. Used as a calmative for nervous conditions such as restlessness, insomnia and hysteria. A tea made of this herb is good for relieving stomach pains. VERY POTENT in small doses. When used topically, woodruff herb can treat cuts and wounds. Woodruff is also said to be useful for removing biliary obstructions of the liver, and kept among linen to keep away insects. When used in rituals and spells, woodruff is best suited for anything involving the mind(clairavoyance, psychic abilities, meditation, dream walking, astral travel, etc.) and also is excellent for purification. Woodruff Herb Specifications: 1 oz package comes pre-cut
#004090 $5.95

Herb: Wormwood

Wormwood Herb is used primarily for liver, gall bladder and stomach ailments, as well as to expel intestinal worms. Wormwood stimulates and invigorates the whole of the digestive process. Wormwood herb promotes the production of cholesterol and bilirubin (a component of bile). By stimulating the bitter receptors in the taste buds of the tongue, it triggers an increase in digestive enzymes and stomach acid. Wormwood has traditionally been used as an anthelmintic, antiseptic, antispasmodic, carminative, sedative, stimulant, stomachic, and tonic. Chemicals contained in wormwood magical herb may have also mild anti-infective properties that may help keep skin injuries from becoming infected. Wormwood counteracts poisoning by hemlock, mushrooms and sea dragons. Wormwood is used in the production of absinthe, a green liqueur with a bitter licorice or anise flavor and a high alcohol content. Wormwood herb has also been used to improve blood circulation, as a cardiac stimulant, as a pain reliever for women during labor, and as an agent against tumors and cancers. It promotes menstruation and will help with menstrual cramps. Wormwood has also been used in compresses to treat bruises and sprains. When used in rituals and spells, wormwood magical herb is best suited to banish anger/negativity; divination; protection; and exorcism. This potent herb however is also used in the black arts and other darker magicks depending on the intentions of the individual using it. Wormwood Herb Specifications: 2 oz package Comes pre-cut
#004091 $3.95



